Blog Archive

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Get yourself some Redpills!

As we all know, our fiat currency is more or less on borrowed time. The moment we took the dollar off the gold standard was the moment the guaranteed its demise. The reason being the same as all fiat currencies throughout history is that they will print it into worthlessness.

Fortunately, there is crypto currency. Mathematically impossible to manufacture indefinitely it is a far better store in value than the dollar and more easily spendable than gold and silver.

So, the ICO will start in december and Redpills will cost 10 cents a coin, get it while it is cheap!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Response to Captain Capitalism: 6 reasons why our economy needs more Humanities Majors

#1 More English majors can prevent school shootings and other violent acts

Here's why:

There is only a one letter difference between laughter and slaughter.

Spelling is important when you run your own business. After all, is a big difference between: "All clients must be killed at once"
                          and "All clients must be billed at once."
Remember to study English in college kids, don't be a psycho.

#2 Theatre majors will make more entertaining shooters.

 Anyone who's bothered to watch Elliot Rogers videos has probably felt just as much pain seeing his acting as much as seeing what he's done. This pain can be prevented with more theatre majors. Had Elliot Roger studied Theatre his videos would have been more entertaining to watch.

#3 Avoiding math at all costs prevents these poor souls from destroying the       universe.
One of the first things I learned in math is zero divided by anything except zero is zero; and anything divided by zero will tear apart the space time continuum and kill us all. NOT studying math will literally save the universe! So Captain capitalism should be congratulating these true heroes on putting the universe before those selfish, capitalistic, greedy engineering majors who study these subjects to make money.

By the way, when I go study Ordinary differential equations next spring and you happen to see the universe tearing itself apart; please remember Harland Williams' line from Rocket Man: It wasn't me!!!!!!

#4 See #1

#5 See #2

#6 See #3

Monday, June 30, 2014

Since I love coffee so much, I decided to publish a short list of reasons you may be a coffee addict. I will repost as I add more things to the list.

You know you are a Coffee addict when

1) You know you're a coffee addict when you know the menu of Starbucks better than the barristers.

2)You know you're a coffee addict when you're convicted of embezzling coffee from Starbucks.

3)You know you're a coffee addict when you thereafter get sentenced to Coffeeholics Anonymous.

4)You know you're a coffee addict when you're the reason Coffeeholics Anonymous exists to begin with.

5)You know you're a coffee addict when you like your coffee so dark it turns to gel when it cools.

6)You know you're a coffee addict when you like your coffee so dark light can't escape it.

7)You know you're a coffee addict when your home gum ball machine dispenses coffee beans.

8)You know you're a coffee addict when you prefer a hot cup of coffee to a hot date.

9)You know you're a coffee addict when you require IV's of coffee instead of blood to survive.

10)You know you're a coffee addict when you measure the strength of your coffee by it's octane level.